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Code | Display | Definition |
no | Not accumulated | No contrast accumulated |
less10-13 | Less Than 10-30HU | Less Than 10-30HU of contrast accumulated |
more30 | More Than 30HU | More Than 30HU of contrast accumulated |
Code | Display | Definition |
S1 | S1 | Affected segment S1 |
S1+2 | S1+2 | Affected segment S1 + 2 |
S1-3 | S1-3 | Affected segment S1-3 |
S2 | S2 | Affected segment S2 |
S2+3 | S2+3 | Affected segment S2 + 3 |
S3 | S3 | Affected segment S3 |
S4 | S4 | Affected segment S4 |
S5 | S5 | Affected segment S5 |
S4+5 | S4+5 | Affected segment S4 - 5 |
S1-5 | S1-5 | Affected segment S1-5 |
S6 | S6 | Affected segment S6 |
S1-6 | S1-6 | Affected segment S1-6 |
S7-10 | S7-10 | Affected segment S7-10 |
Total | All segments | Affected all segments |
Code | Display | Definition |
biopsy | Biopsy | Biopsy sample for TB diagnostic is used |
sputum | Sputum | Sputum sample for TB diagnostic is used |
other | Other | Other sample for TB diagnostic is used |
surgeryCaseousMasses | Surgery-caseous masses | Masses which are in a cavity or in other TB lesions of lungs (tuberculoma, large nodi or conglomerate of the nodi) |
surgeryCavityInternalWall | Surgery-cavity internal wall | Internal wall of a cavity |
surgeryCavityExternalWall | Surgery-cavity external wall | External wall of a cavity |
surgeryModulu | Surgery-infectious granuloma | Infectious granulomas (which are formed by cells as a reaction to a tuberculosis infection) |
surgeryHealthy tissue | Surgery-healthy tissue | The lung tissue not damaged by tubercular process |
bronchialLavage | Bronchial lavage | The liquid received at a bronchial lavage during a bronchoscopy |
asciticFluid | Ascitic fluid | Liquid gathered in an abdominal cavity at various pathological states |
blood | Blood | Blood |
urine | Urine | Urine |
pleuralFluid | Pleural fluid | Pleural fluid |
cerebrospinalFluid | Cerebrospinal Fluid | An ultrafiltrate of plasma contained within the ventricles of the brain and the subarachnoid spaces of the cranium and spine |
paraffinEmbeddedTissue | Paraffin Embedded Tissue | A standard technique used in clinical and research laboratories to create a formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded block of tissue |
Code | Display | Definition |
preliminary | Preliminary | This is a preliminary composition or document (also known as initial or interim). The content may be incomplete or unverified |
final | Final | This version of the composition is complete and verified by an appropriate person and no further work is planned. Any subsequent updates would be on a new version of the composition |
amended | Amended | The composition content or the referenced resources have been modified (edited or added to) subsequent to being released as "final" and the composition is complete and verified by an authorized person |
retracted | Retracted | The composition was originally created/issued in error and this is an amendment that marks that the entire composition and any past versions or copies should not be considered as valid |
Code | Display | Definition |
singleColony | 1 to 19 | 1 to 19 colonies (Single Colony) |
1+ | 20 to 100 | 20 to 100 colonies (1+) |
2+ | 100 to 200 | 100 to 200 colonies (2+) |
3+ | More than 200 | More than 200 colonies (3+) |
positive | Positive | Growth of mycobacterium (Positive) |
negative | Negative | At the end of the study protocol growth is not fixed (Negative) |
unknownData | Unknown result | Result not entered |
unfinishedResult | Study in progress | Continuing the study (in progress) |
notDone | Not done | Not done |
contamination | Nonspecific microflora | The appearance of nonspecific microflora growth alone or together with mycobacteria |
mott | MOTT | Mycobacterium other than tuberculosis (MOTT) |
Code | Display | Definition |
upperLeft | Upper Left Sextant | Upper Left Sextant |
upperRight | Upper Right Sextant | Upper Right Sextant |
midLeft | Middle Left Sextant | Middle Left Sextant |
midRight | Middle Right Sextant | Middle Right Sextant |
lowerLeft | Lower Left Sextant | Lower Left Sextant |
lowerRight | Lower Right Sextant | Lower Right Sextant |
Code | Display | Definition |
practitioner | General practitioner | General practitioner |
radiologist | Radiologist | Radiologist |
other | Other | Other |
Code | Display | Definition |
A15 | A15 | A15 - Respiratory tuberculosis, bacteriologically and histologically confirmed |
A15.0 | A15.0 | A15.0 - Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by sputum microscopy with or without culture |
A15.1 | A15.1 | A15.1 - Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by culture only |
A15.2 | A15.2 | A15.2 - Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed histologically |
A15.3 | A15.3 | A15.3 - Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by unspecified means |
A15.4 | A15.4 | A15.4 - Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically |
A15.5 | A15.5 | A15.5 - Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea and bronchus, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically |
A15.6 | A15.6 | A15.6 - Tuberculous pleurisy, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically |
A15.7 | A15.7 | A15.7 - Primary respiratory tuberculosis, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically |
A15.8 | A15.8 | A15.8 - Other respiratory tuberculosis, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically |
A15.9 | A15.9 | A15.9 - Respiratory tuberculosis unspecified, confirmed bacteriologically and histologically |
A16 | A16 | A16 - Respiratory tuberculosis, not confirmed bacteriologically or histologically |
A16.0 | A16.0 | A16.0 - Tuberculosis of lung, bacteriologically and histologically negative |
A16.1 | A16.1 | A16.1 - Tuberculosis of lung, bacteriological and histological examination not done |
A16.2 | A16.2 | A16.2 - Tuberculosis of lung, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation |
A16.3 | A16.3 | A16.3 - Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation |
A16.4 | A16.4 | A16.4 - Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea and bronchus, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation |
A16.5 | A16.5 | A16.5 - Tuberculous pleurisy, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation |
A16.7 | A16.7 | A16.7 - Primary respiratory tuberculosis without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation |
A16.8 | A16.8 | A16.8 - Other respiratory tuberculosis, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation |
A16.9 | A16.9 | A16.9 - Respiratory tuberculosis unspecified, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation |
A17 | A17 | A17 - Tuberculosis of nervous system |
A17.0 | A17.0 | A17.0 - Tuberculous meningitis |
A17.1 | A17.1 | A17.1 - Meningeal tuberculoma |
A17.8 | A17.8 | A17.8 - Other tuberculosis of nervous system |
A17.9 | A17.9 | A17.9 - Tuberculosis of nervous system, unspecified |
A18 | A18 | A18 - Tuberculosis of other organs |
A18.0 | A18.0 | A18.0 - Tuberculosis of bones and joints |
A18.1 | A18.1 | A18.1 - Tuberculosis of genitourinary system |
A18.2 | A18.2 | A18.2 - Tuberculous peripheral lymphadenopathy |
A18.3 | A18.3 | A18.3 - Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands |
A18.4 | A18.4 | A18.4 - Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue |
A18.5 | A18.5 | A18.5 - Tuberculosis of eye |
A18.6 | A18.6 | A18.6 - Tuberculosis of ear |
A18.7 | A18.7 | A18.7 - Tuberculosis of adrenal glands |
A18.8 | A18.8 | A18.8 - Tuberculosis of other specified organs |
A19 | A19 | A19 - Miliary tuberculosis |
A19.0 | A19.0 | A19.0 - Acute miliary tuberculosis of a single specified site |
A19.1 | A19.1 | A19.1 - Acute miliary tuberculosis of multiple sites |
A19.2 | A19.2 | A19.2 - Acute miliary tuberculosis, unspecified |
A19.8 | A19.8 | A19.8 - Other miliary tuberculosis |
A19.9 | A19.9 | A19.9 - Miliary tuberculosis, unspecified |
U84.3 | U84.3 | U84.3 - Resistance to tuberculostatic drug(s) |
unknown | Unknown | Unknown diagnosis |
Code | Display | Definition |
clinicalOpinion | Clinically diagnosed | Clinically diagnosed |
positiveTB | Positive TB | Positive TB |
Code | Display | Definition |
R | R (Resistant) | R (Resistant) |
S | S (Sensitive) | S (Sensitive) |
I | I (Intermediate) | I (Intermediate) |
Ind | Ind (Indeterminate) | Ind (Indeterminate) |
Code | Display | Definition |
basicSchool | Basic school (incl. primary) | Basic scool: providing instruction in reading, writing and mathematics; the formation of ideas about man and the world, labor skills |
completeSchool | Complete school (a-level, gymnasium) | Complete scool: aimed at preparing him for a full life in society, students master the fundamentals of science, the state languages of the Republic of Belarus, skills, mental and physical labor, ready to begin work and further education |
college | College (bachelor) | College: aimed at the development of the individual student, trainee, they receive a special theoretical and practical training, culminating in qualification specialists with secondary special education, working with secondary special education |
higher | Higher (university) | Higher Education: to provide a special theoretical and practical training, culminating in qualification of specialists with higher education, a master's degree |
koranicSchool | Koranic School (Daaras) | The Koranic schools, commonly called daaras in Senegal, are an important educational offer in the country. As a place to learn the Koran, Islamic sciences and the Arabic language, the Koranic school has always been considered as a compulsory part of the education of the young Muslim. Children, and sometimes adults, devote their learning to the memorization of the sacred book of the Muslims over several years. At the same time, the learners are engaged in a long process of initiation to life in society through a double quest for know-how and interpersonal skills under the guidance of their teacher. |
noEducation | No education | No education, or basic scool in progress |
Code | Display | Definition |
center | Center | Referring to the central core or focal point of the granuloma structure, often containing areas of necrosis where the immune cells have surrounded and encapsulated the TB bacteria. |
innerWall | Inner Wall | In reference to the location within granuloma, the inner wall surrounds the central necrotic core and is typically composed of activated immune cells; helps to contain the infection and prevent the bacteria from spreading. |
externalWall | External Wall | In reference to the location within granuloma, the external wall (also known as the outer wall or periphery) refers to the outer layer of the granuloma structure; consists of immune cells less densely packed than the inner wall and is responsible for maintain the integrity of the granuloma and preventing the bacteria from spreading to surrounding tissues. |
Code | Display | Definition |
nodule | Nodule | A discrete, small, spherical or ovoid area within a tissue specimen, characterized by a focal accumulation of immune cells and cellular debris. In relation to Granuloma type, it represents a localized immune response to Mycobacterium TB infection. |
cavity | Cavity | A hollow space or void within a tissue specimen, characterized by the absence of normal tissue structures and the presence of necrotic material. In relation to Granuloma type, it represents an advanced stage of disease progression. |
tuberculoma | Tuberculoma | A discrete, encapsulated mass or legion within the tissue that develops due to the immune response to Mycobacterium TB infection. |
Code | Display | Definition |
less10mm | Less than 10mm | Lung cavity size less than 10mm |
10-25mm | 10-25mm | Lung cavity size less than 10-25mm |
more25mm | More than 25mm | Lung cavity size more than 25mm |
no | No cavities | No lung cavity |
Code | Display | Definition |
zn | Ziehl-Neelsen | Bacteriological stain used to identify acid-fast organisms, mainly Mycobacteria |
florescence | Fluorescence | Fluorescent microscopy used to image specific features of small specimens |
notSpecified | Not Specified | Microscopy type not specified |
Code | Display | Definition |
rightLung | Right lung | Affect localized in right lung |
leftLung | Left lung | Affect localized in left lung |
both | Both lungs | Affect localized in both lungs |
Code | Display | Definition |
stillOnTreatment | Still on treatment | A patient who is still undergoing treatment |
died | Died | A patient who dies for any reason during the course of treatment |
cured | Cured | Treatment completed as recommended by the national policy without evidence of failure AND three or more consecutive cultures taken at least 30 days apart are negative after the intensive phase |
completed | Completed | Treatment completed as recommended by the national policy without evidence of failure BUT no record that three or more consecutive cultures taken at least 30 days apart are negative after the intensive phase |
ltfu | Lost to follow up | Treatment after loss to follow-up patients have previously been treated for TB and were declared lost to follow-up at the end of their most recent course of treatment. (These were previously known as treatment after default patients.) |
unknown | Unknown | A patient for whom no treatment outcome is assigned. (This includes cases transferred out to another treatment unit and whose treatment outcome is unknown) |
failure | Failure | Treatment terminated or need for permanent regimen change of at least two anti - TB drugs because of: a lack of conversion by the end of the intensive phase, or a bacteriological reversion in the continuation phase after conversion to negative, or a evidence of additional acquired resistance to fluoroquinolones or second - line injectable drugs, or a adverse drug reactions (ADRs) |
palliativeCare | Palliative Care | An approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial, and spiritual |
Code | Display | Definition |
H | Isoniazid | Isoniazid (H, INH) |
R | Rifampicin | Rifampicin (R, RIF) |
S | Streptomycin | Streptomycin (S) |
E | Ethambutol | Ethambutol (E, EMB) |
Ofx | Ofloxacin | Ofloxacin (Ofx) |
Cm | Capreomycin | Capreomycin (Cm) |
Am | Amikacin | Amikacin (Am) |
Km | Kanamycin | Kanamycin (Km) |
Z | Pyrazinamide | Pyrazinamide (Z, PZA) |
Lfx | Levofloxacin | Levofloxacin (Lfx) |
Mfx | Moxifloxacin | Moxifloxacin (Mfx) |
Pas | p-aminosalicylic acid | p-aminosalicylic acid (Pas) |
Pto | Prothionamide | Prothionamide (Pto) |
Cs | Cycloserine | Cycloserine (Cs) |
Amx/Clv | Amoxicillin-clavulanate | Amoxicillin-clavulanate (Amx/Clv) |
Mb | Mycobutin | Mycobutin (Mb) |
Eto | Ethionamide | Ethionamide (Eto) |
Dld | Delamanid | Delamanid (Dlm) |
Bdq | Bedaquiline | Bedaquiline (Bdq) |
Ipm/Cln | Imipenem-cilastatin | Imipenem-cilastatin (Ipm/Cln) |
Lzd | Linezolid | Linezolid (Lzd) |
Cfz | Clofazimine | Clofazimine (Cfz) |
Clr | Clarithromycin | Clarithromycin (Clr) |
Ft | Fluoroquinolones | Fluoroquinolones (Fq) |
AG/CP | Aminoglycosides - injectible agents | Aminoglycosides - injectible agents (Cm, Km, Am) |
Trd | Terizidone | Terizidone (Trd) |
Pa | Pretomanid | Pretomanid (Pa) |
ART | Antiretroviral therapy | Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is treatment of people infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) using anti-HIV drugs |
Cotrimoxazol | Cotrimoxazol preventive | Co-trimoxazole preventive therapy (CPT) |
Gfx | Gatifloxacin | Gatifloxacin (Gfx) |
Gfx 0.5 | Gatifloxacin 0.5 | Gatifloxacin 0.5 (Gfx 0.5) |
P | Rifapentine | Rifapentine |
Code | Display | Definition |
homeless | Homeless | Patient does not have a permanent place of residence and / or registration |
exPrisoner | Ex prisoner | The patient was imprisoned in the past |
travelOutOfWork | Worked abroad | Country citizen, spent some time working abroad |
tbFacility | TB care worker | Patient works in the health system (TB facility or general healthcare) |
tobacoUse | Current smoker | Current smoker |
drugAbuse | Patient drug abuse | Patient drug abuse |
alcoholism | Patient alcohol abuse | Patient alcohol abuse |
ContactOfKnownMdrTbCase | Documented MDR contact | Contact with MDR was investigated and documented |
immigrant | Immigrants, refugees, internal migrants | Immigrants, refugees, internal migrants |
alcoholUnknown | Patient alcohol abuse not available/unknown | Patient alcohol abuse data not available, or is unknown |
smokingUnknown | Patient smoking data not available/unknown | Patient smoking data is not available, or is unknown |
pregnant | Pregnant | A female patient who is currently in the state of gestation, from the time of conception until the birth of the baby |
Code | Display | Definition |
focal | Nodule less than 10mm | Nodule less than 10mm |
focus | Node more than 10mm | Node more than 10mm |
focalFocus | Nodule and node | Both Nodule <10mm and Node >10mm |
infiltrate | Infiltrate(s) | Localised alveoloacinar diseases |
focalFocusInfiltrate | Nodule, node and infiltrate | Nodule <10mm, Node >10mm and Infiltrate together |
Code | Display | Definition |
family | Family and household | Defined as people living in the same household as the index patient, or as relatives of the index patient and are spending many hours a day together with the patient in the same indoor space |
prof | Professional | Defined as people spending many hours a day together with the patient in the same professional indoor space |
hospital | Nosocomial | Defined as originating in a hospital |
prison | Penitential, pre-trial detention facilities | Defined as people living in the same detention facility as the index patient |
military | Military services | Defined as relating to contact of soldiers or armed forces |
other | Other | Other |
hostileEnvironment | Hostile environment | Hostile environment |
Code | Display | Definition |
wet | Wet | In relation to tissue necrosis, characterized by the presence of excessive fluid, typically resulting from inflammation and the breakdown of tissue structures. In the case of TB, wet necrosis can occur in the lungs and other affected organs due to the body's immune response to the infection. |
dry | Dry | (also known as coagulative) In relation to tissue necrosis, is a type of cell tissue death that typically preserves the overall tissue architecture. In the case of TB, this may occur in granulomas. |
nonnecrotic | Non-necrotic | In relation to tissue necrosis, refers to tissue that has not undergone necrosis, the premature death of cells or tissues. In the case of TB, this means normal cellular function and structure are maintained and there is no significant breakdown or death of tissue cells. |
Code | Display | Definition |
0 | 0 | 0 |
1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 2 | 2 |
3 | 3 | 3 |
4 | 4 | 4 |
5 | 5 | 5 |
6 | 6 | 6 |
7 | 7 | 7 |
8 | 8 | 8 |
9 | 9 | 9 |
10 | 10 | 10 |
>10 | >10 | >10 |
unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Code | Display | Definition |
upper | Upper Lobus | Affect localized in Upper Lobus |
upperAndMedium | Upper and Medium Lobbi | Affect localized in Upper and Medium Lobbi |
upperAndLower | Upper and Lower Lobbi | Affect localized in Upper and Lower Lobbi |
medium | Medium Lobus | Affect localized in Medium Lobus |
lower | Lower Lobus | Affect localized in Lower Lobus |
mediumAndLower | Medium and Lower Lobbi | Affect localized in Medium and Lower Lobbi |
total | Total lung affected | Total lung affected |
Code | Display | Definition |
Glukoza | Glucose (mmol/l) | Observation blood glucose (mmol/l) |
GlukozaDiabetic | Glucose: Diabetic Post-Meal (mmol/l) | Observation of Glucose: Diabetic Post-Meal (mmol/l) |
Total Protein | Total Protein (g/l) | Observation of total amount of protein in the blood (g/l) |
Albumin | Albumin (g/l) | Observation of albumin to test liver function (g/l) |
Urea | Urea (mmol/l) | Observation of Urea to test kidney fuction (mmol/l) |
Kreatinini | Creatinine (µmol/l) | Observation of Creatinine to test kidney function (µmol/l) |
HBsAg | Hepatitis B Surface Antigen | Protein test on the surface of Hepatitis B to detect infection |
HCV | Hepatitis C Virus | Observation of Hepatitis C virus presence |
Na+ | Sodium (mmol/l) | Observation of sodium in the blood (mmol/l) |
Ca 2+ | Calcium (mmol/l) | Observation of calcium in the blood (mmol/l) |
K+ | Potassium (mmol/l) | Observation of potassium in the blood (mmol/l) |
ALP | Alkaline phosphatase (u/l) | Observation of alkaline phosphatase enzyme to test for liver disease or bone disorder (u/l) |
GGT | Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase (u/l) | Observation of gamma-glutamyl enzyme in the blood, mostly found in liver (u/l) |
AST | Aspartate Aminotransferase (u/l) | Observation of Aspartate Aminotransferase enzyme (u/l) |
ALT | Alanine Aminotransferase (u/l) | Observation of Alanine Aminotransferase enzyme found in liver and kidney, potentially even heart and muscles (u/l) |
Total Bilirubin | Total Bilirubin (µmol/l) | Blood test to measure the amount of bilirubin (µmol/l) |
ADA | Adenosine Deaminase (u/l) | Observation of Adenosine Deaminase enzyme (u/l) |
APTT | Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (seconds) | Screening test to evaluate the body's ability to form blood clot (seconds) |
TT | Thrombin Time (seconds) | Measure of time it takes for a clot to form in plasma of a blood sample after thrombin has been added (seconds) |
Pt | Prothrombin Time (%) | Measure to evaluate blood clotting time (%) |
INR | International Normalized Ratio | Measure used to determine if blood is clotting as expected |
Lipaza | Lipase (u/l) | Test for lipase pancreatic enzyme (u/l) |
TSH | Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (miu/l) | Measure of how much thyroid-stimulating hormore is in blood (miu/l) |
FT4 | Free Thyroxine (ng/dl) | Test used to determine thyroid function (ng/dl) |
TT4 | Total Thyroxine (mcg/dl) | Observation of Total Thyroxine in the blood (mcg/dl) |
ESR | Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (mm/hr) | Test to determine speed that erythrocytes settle to reveal inflammatory actvity (mm/hr) |
CRP | C-Reactive Protein (mg/l) | Measure of c-reactive protein in blood, the protein that is associated with bodily inflammation (mg/l) |
Hb | Hemoglobin (g/l) | Measure of hemoglobin in blood, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body (g/l) |
HbA1c | Hemoglobin A1c (%) | Measure of the average blood sugar levels over 2-3 months (%) |
FBS | Fasting Blood Sugar (Glucose) (mmol/l) | Measure of blood sugar after overnight fast (mmol/l) |
TC | Total Cholesterol (mmol/l) | Measure of the total amount of each type of cholesterol in the blood (mmol/l) |
Total WBC | Total White Blood Cell count (x 10^9/l) | Measure of white blood cells in blood or urine (x 10^9/l) |
ANC | Absolute Neutrophil Count (cells/µl) | Measure of the number of neutrophils in the blood that kill bacteria (cells/µl) |
ALC | Absolute Lymphocyte Count (cells/µl) | Measure of the level of lymphocyte (white blood cell) in blood (cells/µl) |
AEC | Absolute Eosinophil Count (cells/µl) | Measure of the eosinophil, a type of white blood cell, in the blood (cells/µl) |
NLR | Neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio | The number of neutrophils divided by the number of lymphocytes |
Basophils | Basophils | Basophils are a type of white blood cell that are made by the bone marrow and play a role in the immune system. They work with the immune system to protect the body from allergens and pathogens (cells/µl) |
Monocytes | Monocytes | Monocytes are a type of white blood cell (leukocyte) that are made in the bone marrow and circulate in the blood and tissues. They are the largest type of leukocyte in the blood (cells/µl) |
ELR | Eosinophil-lymphocyte ratio | Absolute Eosinophil Count/Absolute Lymphocyte Count. A marker used to identify infection |
Code | Display | Definition |
hiv | HIV | HIV/AIDS (Human immunodeficiency virus / Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) |
diabets | Diabetes | The simultaneous presence of TB and diabetes, a disease where the patient's ability to produce or response to insulin is impaired causing an abnormal metabliosm of carbohydrates and increased measures of glucose in blood and urine |
hepaticDiseases | Hepatic diseases | The simultaneous presence of TB and any liver disease that damanfes the liver and prevents normal functioning |
hepatitisB | Hepatitis B | The simultaneous presence of TB and the Hepatitis B virus, a severe virus that causes liver infection |
hepatitisC | Hepatitis C | The simultaneous presence of TB and the Hepatitis C virus which attacks and inflames the liver |
renalDisease | Renal disease | The simultaneous presence of TB and Renal diseases (chronic kidney disease) in which the kidney losed function causing impairment and damage to kidney |
anemia | Anemia | The simultaneous presence of TB and anemia, a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin leading to reduced oxygern flow to the body's organs |
none | None | No comorbidities |
notSpecified | Not specified | Comorbidity not specified |
others | Others | Other comorbidities (not listed) |
COVID_19 | COVID-19 | The simultaneous presence of TB and the repiratory virus that casues coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) |
Post-COVID-19 | Post-COVID-19 | Post-COVID-19 |
pneumoconiosis | Pneumoconiosis | The simultaneous presence of TB and pneumoconiosis; a disease of the lungs due to inhalation of dust, characterized by inflammation, coughing, and fibrosis |
corticosteroids | Systemically administered glucocorticoids, cytostatics, TNF-α antagonists | The simultaneous presence of TB and systemically administered glucocorticoids, cytostatics, TNF-α antagonists |
psychiatric | Psychiatric illness | The simultaneous presence of TB and mental and behavioural disorders |
anxiety | Anxiety | A mental disorder characterized by excessive fear and worry and related behavioral disturbances |
depression | Depression | A mental disorder characterized by persistent sadness and a lack of interest or pleasure in previously rewarding or enjoyable activities |
Code | Display | Definition |
no | Not used | Contrast not used |
0407-1413-10 | OMNIPAQUE 350 | OMNIPAQUE 350 is used as contrast |
Code | Display | Definition |
liquid | Liquid | Liquid |
solid | Solid | Solid |
notSpecified | Not specified | Not specified |
Code | Display | Definition |
good | Good image quality | Good image quality |
average | Average image quality | Average image quality |
poor | Poor image quality | Poor image quality |
Code | Display | Definition |
new | New | New patients have never been treated for TB or have taken anti-TB drugs for less than 1 month |
relapse | Relapse | Relapse patients have previously been treated for TB, were declared cured or treatment completed at the end of the most recent course of treatment, and are now diagnosed with a recurrent episode of TB (either a true relapse or a new episode of TB caused by reinfection) |
ltfu | Lost to follow up | Treatment after loss to follow-up patients have previously been treated for TB and were declared lost to follow-up at the end of their most recent course of treatment. (These were previously known as treatment after default patients.) |
failure | Failure | Treatment after failure patients are those who have previously been treated for TB and whose treatment failed at the end of the most recent course of treatment |
other | Other | Other previously treated patients are those who have previously been treated for TB but whose outcome after the most recent course of treatment is unknown or undocumented |
unknown | Unknown | Unknown case definition |
chronic | Chronic TB | Chronic TB is diagnosed in patients who don’t have clinical and radiological stabilization of the process or the process worsens clinically or radiologically (the presence of cavities either with or without sputum conversion within 2 years) |
Code | Display | Definition |
H | Isoniazid | Isoniazid (H, INH) |
R | Rifampicin | Rifampicin (R, RIF) |
S | Streptomycin | Streptomycin (S) |
E | Ethambutol | Ethambutol (E, EMB) |
Ofx | Ofloxacin | Ofloxacin (Ofx) |
Cm | Capreomycin | Capreomycin (Cm) |
Am | Amikacin | Amikacin (Am) |
Km | Kanamycin | Kanamycin (Km) |
Z | Pyrazinamide | Pyrazinamide (Z, PZA) |
Lfx | Levofloxacin | Levofloxacin (Lfx) |
Mfx | Moxifloxacin | Moxifloxacin (Mfx) |
Mfx 0.25 | Moxifloxacin 0.25 | Moxifloxacin 0.25 (Mfx 0.25) |
Mfx 0.5 | Moxifloxacin 0.5 | Moxifloxacin 0.5 (Mfx 0.5) |
Mfx 1.0 | Moxifloxacin 1.0 | Moxifloxacin 1.0 (Mfx 1.0) |
Mfx 2.0 | Moxifloxacin 2.0 | Moxifloxacin 2.0 (Mfx 2.0) |
Pas | p-aminosalicylic acid | p-aminosalicylic acid (Pas, PAS) |
Pto | Prothionamide | Prothionamide (Pto) |
Cs | Cycloserine | Cycloserine (Cs) |
Amx/Clv | Amoxicillin-clavulanate | Amoxicillin-clavulanate (Amx/Clv) |
Mb | Mycobutin | Mycobutin (Mb) |
Eto | Ethionamide | Ethionamide (Eto) |
Dld | Delamanid | Delamanid (Dlm) |
Bdq | Bedaquiline | Bedaquiline (Bdq) |
Ipm/Cln | Imipenem-cilastatin | Imipenem-cilastatin (Ipm/Cln) |
Lzd | Linezolid | Linezolid (Lzd) |
Cfz | Clofazimine | Clofazimine (Cfz) |
Clr | Clarithromycin | Clarithromycin (Clr) |
Ft | Fluoroquinolones | Fluoroquinolones (Ofx, Lfx or Mfx ) |
AG/CP | Aminoglycosides - injectible agents | Aminoglycosides - injectible agents (Cm, Km, Am) |
Gfx | Gatifloxacin | Gatifloxacin (Gfx) |
Gfx 0.5 | Gatifloxacin 0.5 | Gatifloxacin 0.5 (Gfx 0.5) |
CPFX | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin (CPFX). A broad spectrum fluoroquinolone antibiotic |
Code | Display | Definition |
MDRnonXDR | MDR non XDR | Multidrug resistance: resistance to at least both isoniazid and rifampicin |
monoDR | Mono DR | Monoresistance: resistance to one first-line anti-TB drug only |
polyDR | Poly DR | Polydrug resistance: resistance to more than one first-line anti-TB drug (other than both isoniazid and rifampicin) |
sensitive | Sensitive | No resistance to TB drugs |
preXDR | Pre-XDR | TB caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) strains that fulfil the definition of multidrug resistant and rifampicin-resistant TB (MDR/RR-TB) and which are also resistant to any fluoroquinolone |
XDR | XDR | TB caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) strains that fulfil the definition of MDR/RR-TB and which are also resistant to any fluoroquinolone and at least one additional Group A drug. (Group A drugs are the most potent group of drugs in the ranking of second-line medicines for the treatment of drug-resistant forms of TB using longer treatment regimens and comprise (levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, bedaquiline and linezolid) |
negative | Negative | Negative |
Code | Display | Definition |
bactec | Bactec | Determination of drug susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium in an automated system BACTEC MGIT 960 |
hain | FL-LPA | Line-Probe Assay (LPA) test other than Hain |
lpaOther | SL-LPA | Line-Probe Assay (LPA) test systems for Hain Lifescience molecular genetic diagnosis of mycobacteria, based on a unique DNA • Strip® technology (hybridization with DNA probes (MLPA)) |
le | Lowenstein-Jensen | Solid medium Lowenstein - Jensen containing drug concentration |
genexpert | GeneXpert | Xpert MTB / RIF test to carry out the detection of the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a sample of diagnostic material and resistance to rifampicin in less than two hours |
truenat | TRUENAT | A Chip-based Real Time PCR test that is considered as an alternative for Gene-Xpert, a CBNAAT (cartridge based nucleic acid amplification test) test in resource limited settings |
dst | DST | Drug-susceptibility test performed to determine resistance or sensitivity to tuberculosis drugs |
Code | Display | Definition |
employed | Employed | Official work/position |
retired | Retired | Retirement age (not working) |
student | Student | Higher or secondary education in progress |
unemployed | Unemployed | No official work/position |
disabled | Disabled | Disability for medical reasons |
selfEmployed | Self-employed | Self-employed |
homemaker | Homemaker | Homemaker |
unofficiallyEmployed | Unofficially employed | Unofficially employed |
Code | Display | Definition |
small | Small (<2 cm) | In relation to granuloma size, up to 2 cm in diameter; relatively compact and consists of a small number of immune cells, including macrophages, lymphocytes, and other white blood cells |
medium | Medium (3-5 cm) | In relation to granuloma size, 3-5 cm in diameter; contains a greater number of immune cells |
large | Large (>5 cm) | In relation to granuloma size, > 5 cm in diameter; contains a significant accumulation of immune cells |
Code | Display | Definition |
pulm | Pulmonary | Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) refers to any bacteriologically confirmed or clinically diagnosed case of TB involving the lung parenchyma or the tracheobronchial tree. Miliary TB is classified as PTB because there are lesions in the lungs. Tuberculous intra - thoracic lymphadenopathy(mediastinal and / or hilar) or tuberculous pleural effusion, without radiographic abnormalities in the lungs, constitutes a case of extrapulmonary TB |
extraPulm | Extrapulmonary | Extrapulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) refers to any bacteriologically confirmed or clinically diagnosed case of TB involving organs other than the lungs, e.g. pleura, lymph nodes, abdomen, genitourinary tract, skin, joints and bones, meninges |
both | Pulmonary and Extrapulmonary | Pulmonary tuberculosis(PTB) and extrapulmonary TB(EPTB) diagnosed at the same time |
unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Code | Display | Definition |
-0.09 | 1 to 9 in 100 (1-9/100) | 1 to 9 acid-resistant bacteria in 100 fields of view (1-9/100) |
1+ | 10 to 99 in 100 (1+) | 10 to 99 acid-resistant bacteria in 100 fields of view (1+) |
2+ | 1 to 9 in 1 (2+) | 1 to 9 acid-resistant bacteria in 1 fields of view (2+) |
3+ | 10 to 99 in 1 (3+) | 10 to 99 acid-resistant bacteria in 1 fields of view (3+) |
4+ | More than 99 in 1 (4+) | All fields of view (4+) |
saliva | Saliva | Saliva sample for the study is not suitable |
unknownData | Unknown data | No data |
negative | Negative | Negative result |
notDone | Not done | Not done |
Code | Display | Definition |
CR | CR (Computed Radiography) | CR (Computed Radiography) |
CT | CT (Computed Tomography) | CT (Computed Tomography) |
XC | XC (External-camera Photography) | XC (External-camera Photography) |
XA | XA (X-Ray Angiography) | XA (X-Ray Angiography) |
HC | HC (Hard Copy) | HC (Hard Copy) |
DX | DX (Digital X-ray) | DX (Digital X-ray) |
Code | Display | Definition |
neg | Negative | |
pos | Positive |
Code | Display | Definition |
less2 | Less than 2 segments | Prevalence of process in less than 2 segments |
more2 | 2 or more segments | Prevalence of process in more than or equal to 2 segments |
Code | Display | Definition |
Donetsk | Donetsk | Donetsk |
Cherkasy | Cherkasy | Cherkasy |
Chernivtsi | Chernivtsi | Chernivtsi |
Chernihiv | Chernihiv | Chernihiv |
Crimea | Crimea | Crimea |
Dnipropetrovsk | Dnipropetrovsk | Dnipropetrovsk |
Ivano-Frankivsk | Ivano-Frankivsk | Ivano-Frankivsk |
Kharkiv | Kharkiv | Kharkiv |
Kherson | Kherson | Kherson |
Khmelnytskyi | Khmelnytskyi | Khmelnytskyi |
Kirovohradsk | Kirovohradsk | Kirovohradsk |
Kyiv | Kyiv | Kyiv |
Lviv | Lviv | Lviv |
Luhansk | Luhansk | Luhansk |
Mykolaiv | Mykolaiv | Mykolaiv |
Odesa | Odesa | Odesa |
Poltava | Poltava | Poltava |
Rivne | Rivne | Rivne |
Sumy | Sumy | Sumy |
Ternopil | Ternopil | Ternopil |
Vinnytsia | Vinnytsia | Vinnytsia |
Volyn | Volyn | Volyn |
Zakarpattia | Zakarpattia | Zakarpattia |
Zaporozhye | Zaporozhye | Zaporozhye |
Zhytomyr | Zhytomyr | Zhytomyr |
Brest | Brest | Brest |
Vitebsk | Vitebsk | Vitebsk |
Gomel | Gomel | Gomel |
Grodno | Grodno | Grodno |
Minsk | Minsk | Minsk |
Mogilev | Mogilev | Mogilev |
Anhui | Anhui | Anhui |
Fujian | Fujian | Fujian |
Gansu | Gansu | Gansu |
Guangdong | Guangdong | Guangdong |
Guizhou | Guizhou | Guizhou |
Hainan | Hainan | Hainan |
Hebei | Hebei | Hebei |
Heilongjiang | Heilongjiang | Heilongjiang |
Henan | Henan | Henan |
Hubei | Hubei | Hubei |
Hunan | Hunan | Hunan |
Jiangsu | Jiangsu | Jiangsu |
Jiangxi | Jiangxi | Jiangxi |
Jilin | Jilin | Jilin |
Liaoning | Liaoning | Liaoning |
Qinghai | Qinghai | Qinghai |
Shaanxi | Shaanxi | Shaanxi |
Shandong | Shandong | Shandong |
Shanxi | Shanxi | Shanxi |
Sichuan | Sichuan | Sichuan |
Yunnan | Yunnan | Yunnan |
Zhejiang | Zhejiang | Zhejiang |
Guangxi | Guangxi | Guangxi |
Nei Mongol | Nei Mongol | Nei Mongol |
Ningxia | Ningxia | Ningxia |
Xinjiang Uygur | Xinjiang Uygur | Xinjiang Uygur |
Xizang | Xizang | Xizang |
Beijing | Beijing | Beijing |
Chongqing | Chongqing | Chongqing |
Shanghai | Shanghai | Shanghai |
Tianjin | Tianjin | Tianjin |
Abkhazia | Abkhazia | Abkhazia |
Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti | Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti | Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti |
Guria | Guria | Guria |
Adjara | Adjara | Adjara |
Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti | Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti | Racha-Lechkhumi and Kvemo Svaneti |
Imereti | Imereti | Imereti |
Samtskhe-Javakheti | Samtskhe-Javakheti | Samtskhe-Javakheti |
Shida Kartli | Shida Kartli | Shida Kartli |
Mtskheta-Mtianeti | Mtskheta-Mtianeti | Mtskheta-Mtianeti |
Kvemo Kartli | Kvemo Kartli | Kvemo Kartli |
Kakheti | Kakheti | Kakheti |
Tbilisi | Tbilisi | Tbilisi |
Andhra Pradesh | Andhra Pradesh | Andhra Pradesh |
Arunachal Pradesh | Arunachal Pradesh | Arunachal Pradesh |
Assam | Assam | Assam |
Bihar | Bihar | Bihar |
Chhattisgarh | Chhattisgarh | Chhattisgarh |
Goa | Goa | Goa |
Gujarat | Gujarat | Gujarat |
Haryana | Haryana | Haryana |
Himachal Pradesh | Himachal Pradesh | Himachal Pradesh |
Jharkhand | Jharkhand | Jharkhand |
Karnataka | Karnataka | Karnataka |
Kerala | Kerala | Kerala |
Madhya Pradesh | Madhya Pradesh | Madhya Pradesh |
Maharashtra | Maharashtra | Maharashtra |
Mainupr | Mainupr | Mainupr |
Meghalaya | Meghalaya | Meghalaya |
Mizoram | Mizoram | Mizoram |
Nagaland | Nagaland | Nagaland |
Odisha | Odisha | Odisha |
Punjab | Punjab | Punjab |
Rajasthan | Rajasthan | Rajasthan |
Sikkim | Sikkim | Sikkim |
Tamil Nadu | Tamil Nadu | Tamil Nadu |
Telangana | Telangana | Telangana |
Tripura | Tripura | Tripura |
Uttarakhand | Uttarakhand | Uttarakhand |
Uttar Pradesh | Uttar Pradesh | Uttar Pradesh |
West Bengal | West Bengal | West Bengal |
Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Andaman and Nicobar Islands | Andaman and Nicobar Islands |
Chandigarh | Chandigarh | Chandigarh |
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu | Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu | Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu |
The Government of NCT of Delhi | The Government of NCT of Delhi | The Government of NCT of Delhi |
Jammu & Kashmir | Jammu & Kashmir | Jammu & Kashmir |
Ladakh | Ladakh | Ladakh |
Lakshadweep | Lakshadweep | Lakshadweep |
Puducherry | Puducherry | Puducherry |
Akmola | Akmola | Akmola |
Aqtöbe | Aqtöbe | Aqtöbe |
Almaty Province | Almaty Province | Almaty Province |
East Kazakhstan | East Kazakhstan | East Kazakhstan |
Jambyl | Jambyl | Jambyl |
Karagandy | Karagandy | Karagandy |
Kostanay | Kostanay | Kostanay |
Qyzylorda | Qyzylorda | Qyzylorda |
Manggystau | Manggystau | Manggystau |
North Kazakhstan | North Kazakhstan | North Kazakhstan |
Pavlodar | Pavlodar | Pavlodar |
South Kazakhstan | South Kazakhstan | South Kazakhstan |
Zhambyl | Zhambyl | Zhambyl |
West Kazakhstan | West Kazakhstan | West Kazakhstan |
Batken | Batken | Batken |
Chuy | Chuy | Chuy |
Jalal-Abad | Jalal-Abad | Jalal-Abad |
Naryn | Naryn | Naryn |
Osh | Osh | Osh |
Talas | Talas | Talas |
Issyk-Kul | Issyk-Kul | Issyk-Kul |
Gao | Gao | Gao |
Kayes | Kayes | Kayes |
Kidal | Kidal | Kidal |
Koulikoro | Koulikoro | Koulikoro |
Mopti | Mopti | Mopti |
Segou | Segou | Segou |
Sikasso | Sikasso | Sikasso |
Tomboctou | Tomboctou | Tomboctou |
Bamako | Bamako | Bamako |
Anenii Noi | Anenii Noi | Anenii Noi |
Basarabeasca | Basarabeasca | Basarabeasca |
Briceni | Briceni | Briceni |
Cahul | Cahul | Cahul |
Cantemir | Cantemir | Cantemir |
Calarasi | Calarasi | Calarasi |
Causeni | Causeni | Causeni |
Cimislia | Cimislia | Cimislia |
Criuleni | Criuleni | Criuleni |
Donduseni | Donduseni | Donduseni |
Drochia | Drochia | Drochia |
Dubasari | Dubasari | Dubasari |
Edinet | Edinet | Edinet |
Falesti | Falesti | Falesti |
Floresti | Floresti | Floresti |
Glodeni | Glodeni | Glodeni |
Hincesti | Hincesti | Hincesti |
Ialoveni | Ialoveni | Ialoveni |
Leova | Leova | Leova |
Nispreni | Nispreni | Nispreni |
Ocnita | Ocnita | Ocnita |
Orhei | Orhei | Orhei |
Rezina | Rezina | Rezina |
Riscani | Riscani | Riscani |
Singerei | Singerei | Singerei |
Soldanesti | Soldanesti | Soldanesti |
Soroca | Soroca | Soroca |
Stefan-Voda | Stefan-Voda | Stefan-Voda |
Straseni | Straseni | Straseni |
Taraclia | Taraclia | Taraclia |
Telenesti | Telenesti | Telenesti |
Ungheni | Ungheni | Ungheni |
Cabo Delgado | Cabo Delgado | Cabo Delgado |
Gaza | Gaza | Gaza |
Inhambane | Inhambane | Inhambane |
Manica | Manica | Manica |
Maputo | Maputo | Maputo |
Maputo City | Maputo City | Maputo City |
Nampula | Nampula | Nampula |
Niassa | Niassa | Niassa |
Sofala | Sofala | Sofala |
Tete | Tete | Tete |
Zambezia | Zambezia | Zambezia |
Abia | Abia | Abia |
Adamawa | Adamawa | Adamawa |
Akwa Ibom | Akwa Ibom | Akwa Ibom |
Anambra | Anambra | Anambra |
Bauchi | Bauchi | Bauchi |
Bayelsa | Bayelsa | Bayelsa |
Benue | Benue | Benue |
Borno | Borno | Borno |
Cross River | Cross River | Cross River |
Delta | Delta | Delta |
Ebonyi | Ebonyi | Ebonyi |
Edo | Edo | Edo |
Ekiti | Ekiti | Ekiti |
Enugu | Enugu | Enugu |
Federal Capital Territory | Federal Capital Territory | Federal Capital Territory |
Gombe | Gombe | Gombe |
Imo | Imo | Imo |
Jigawa | Jigawa | Jigawa |
Kaduna | Kaduna | Kaduna |
Kano | Kano | Kano |
Katsina | Katsina | Katsina |
Kebbi | Kebbi | Kebbi |
Kogi | Kogi | Kogi |
Kwara | Kwara | Kwara |
Lagos | Lagos | Lagos |
Nassarawa | Nassarawa | Nassarawa |
Niger | Niger | Niger |
Ogun | Ogun | Ogun |
Ondo | Ondo | Ondo |
Osun | Osun | Osun |
Oyo | Oyo | Oyo |
Plateau | Plateau | Plateau |
Rivers | Rivers | Rivers |
Sokoto | Sokoto | Sokoto |
Taraba | Taraba | Taraba |
Yobe | Yobe | Yobe |
Zamfara | Zamfara | Zamfara |
Bouenza | Bouenza | Bouenza |
Cuvette | Cuvette | Cuvette |
Cuvette-Ouest | Cuvette-Ouest | Cuvette-Ouest |
Kouilou | Kouilou | Kouilou |
Lekoumou | Lekoumou | Lekoumou |
Brazzaville | Brazzaville | Brazzaville |
Likouala | Likouala | Likouala |
Niari | Niari | Niari |
Plateaux | Plateaux | Plateaux |
Pool | Pool | Pool |
Sangha | Sangha | Sangha |
Pointe Noire | Pointe Noire | Pointe Noire |
Alba | Alba | Alba |
Arad | Arad | Arad |
Arges | Arges | Arges |
Bacau | Bacau | Bacau |
Bihor | Bihor | Bihor |
Bistrita-Nasaud | Bistrita-Nasaud | Bistrita-Nasaud |
Botosani | Botosani | Botosani |
Braila | Braila | Braila |
Brasov | Brasov | Brasov |
Bucuresti | Bucuresti | Bucuresti |
Buzau | Buzau | Buzau |
Calarasi | Calarasi | Calarasi |
Caras-Severin | Caras-Severin | Caras-Severin |
Cluj | Cluj | Cluj |
Constanta | Constanta | Constanta |
Covasna | Covasna | Covasna |
Dambovita | Dambovita | Dambovita |
Dolj | Dolj | Dolj |
Galati | Galati | Galati |
Gorj | Gorj | Gorj |
Giurgiu | Giurgiu | Giurgiu |
Harghita | Harghita | Harghita |
Hunedoara | Hunedoara | Hunedoara |
Ialomita | Ialomita | Ialomita |
Iasi | Iasi | Iasi |
Ilfov | Ilfov | Ilfov |
Maramures | Maramures | Maramures |
Mehedinti | Mehedinti | Mehedinti |
Mures | Mures | Mures |
Neamt | Neamt | Neamt |
Olt | Olt | Olt |
Prahova | Prahova | Prahova |
Salaj | Salaj | Salaj |
Satu Mare | Satu Mare | Satu Mare |
Sibiu | Sibiu | Sibiu |
Suceava | Suceava | Suceava |
Teleorman | Teleorman | Teleorman |
Timis | Timis | Timis |
Tulcea | Tulcea | Tulcea |
Vaslui | Vaslui | Vaslui |
Valcea | Valcea | Valcea |
Vrancea | Vrancea | Vrancea |
Eastern Cape | Eastern Cape | Eastern Cape |
Free State | Free State | Free State |
Gauteng | Gauteng | Gauteng |
KwaZulu-Natal | KwaZulu-Natal | KwaZulu-Natal |
Limpopo | Limpopo | Limpopo |
Mpumalanga | Mpumalanga | Mpumalanga |
Northern Cape | Northern Cape | Northern Cape |
North West | North West | North West |
Western Cape | Western Cape | Western Cape |
Chungcheongbuk-do | Chungcheongbuk-do | Chungcheongbuk-do |
Chungcheongnam-do | Chungcheongnam-do | Chungcheongnam-do |
Gangwon-do | Gangwon-do | Gangwon-do |
Gyeonggi-do | Gyeonggi-do | Gyeonggi-do |
Gyeongsangbuk-do | Gyeongsangbuk-do | Gyeongsangbuk-do |
Gyeongnam-do | Gyeongnam-do | Gyeongnam-do |
Jeju | Jeju | Jeju |
Jeollabuk-do | Jeollabuk-do | Jeollabuk-do |
Jeollanam-do | Jeollanam-do | Jeollanam-do |
Seoul | Seoul | Seoul |
Busan | Busan | Busan |
Daegu | Daegu | Daegu |
Incheon | Incheon | Incheon |
Gwangju | Gwangju | Gwangju |
Daejeon | Daejeon | Daejeon |
Ulsan | Ulsan | Ulsan |
Sejong | Sejong | Sejong |
Tây Bắc | Tây Bắc | Tây Bắc |
Dong Bac | Dong Bac | Dong Bac |
Hà Nội Kinh-Dong Bang Song Hong | Hà Nội Kinh-Dong Bang Song Hong | Hà Nội Kinh-Dong Bang Song Hong |
Bắc Trung Bộ | Bắc Trung Bộ | Bắc Trung Bộ |
Nam Trung Bộ | Nam Trung Bộ | Nam Trung Bộ |
Tây Nguyên | Tây Nguyên | Tây Nguyên |
Đông Nam Bộ | Đông Nam Bộ | Đông Nam Bộ |
Tây Nam Bộ-Đồng Bằng Sông Cửu Long | Tây Nam Bộ-Đồng Bằng Sông Cửu Long | Tây Nam Bộ-Đồng Bằng Sông Cửu Long |
Dakar | Dakar | Dakar |
Diourbel | Diourbel | Diourbel |
Fatick | Fatick | Fatick |
Kaffrine | Kaffrine | Kaffrine |
Kaolack | Kaolack | Kaolack |
Kédougou | Kédougou | Kédougou |
Kolda | Kolda | Kolda |
Louga | Louga | Louga |
Matam | Matam | Matam |
Saint-Louis | Saint-Louis | Saint-Louis |
Sédhiou | Sédhiou | Sédhiou |
Tambacounda | Tambacounda | Tambacounda |
Thiès | Thiès | Thiès |
Ziguinchor | Ziguinchor | Ziguinchor |
Abseron | Abseron | Abseron |
Agcabadi | Agcabadi | Agcabadi |
Agdam | Agdam | Agdam |
Agdas | Agdas | Agdas |
Agstafa | Agstafa | Agstafa |
Agsu | Agsu | Agsu |
Astara | Astara | Astara |
Babak | Babak | Babak |
Balakan | Balakan | Balakan |
Barda | Barda | Barda |
Beylaqan | Beylaqan | Beylaqan |
Bilasuvar | Bilasuvar | Bilasuvar |
Cabrayil | Cabrayil | Cabrayil |
Calilabad | Calilabad | Calilabad |
Culfa | Culfa | Culfa |
Daskasan | Daskasan | Daskasan |
Fuzuli | Fuzuli | Fuzuli |
Gadabay | Gadabay | Gadabay |
Goranboy | Goranboy | Goranboy |
Goycay | Goycay | Goycay |
Goygol | Goygol | Goygol |
Haciqabul | Haciqabul | Haciqabul |
Imisli | Imisli | Imisli |
Ismayilli | Ismayilli | Ismayilli |
Kalbacar | Kalbacar | Kalbacar |
Kangarli | Kangarli | Kangarli |
Kurdamir | Kurdamir | Kurdamir |
Lacin | Lacin | Lacin |
Lankaran | Lankaran | Lankaran |
Lerik | Lerik | Lerik |
Masalli | Masalli | Masalli |
Neftcala | Neftcala | Neftcala |
Oguz | Oguz | Oguz |
Ordubad | Ordubad | Ordubad |
Qabala | Qabala | Qabala |
Qax | Qax | Qax |
Qazax | Qazax | Qazax |
Qobustan | Qobustan | Qobustan |
Quba | Quba | Quba |
Qubadli | Qubadli | Qubadli |
Qusar | Qusar | Qusar |
Saatli | Saatli | Saatli |
Sabirabad | Sabirabad | Sabirabad |
Sabran | Sabran | Sabran |
Sadarak | Sadarak | Sadarak |
Sahbuz | Sahbuz | Sahbuz |
Saki | Saki | Saki |
Salyan | Salyan | Salyan |
Samaxi | Samaxi | Samaxi |
Samkir | Samkir | Samkir |
Samux | Samux | Samux |
Sarur | Sarur | Sarur |
Siyazan | Siyazan | Siyazan |
Susa | Susa | Susa |
Tartar | Tartar | Tartar |
Tovuz | Tovuz | Tovuz |
Ucar | Ucar | Ucar |
Xacmaz | Xacmaz | Xacmaz |
Xizi | Xizi | Xizi |
Xocali | Xocali | Xocali |
Xocavand | Xocavand | Xocavand |
Yardimli | Yardimli | Yardimli |
Yevlax | Yevlax | Yevlax |
Zangilan | Zangilan | Zangilan |
Zaqatala | Zaqatala | Zaqatala |
Zardab | Zardab | Zardab |
Baku | Baku | Baku |
Ganca | Ganca | Ganca |
Lankaran | Lankaran | Lankaran |
Mingacevir | Mingacevir | Mingacevir |
Naftalan | Naftalan | Naftalan |
Naxcivan | Naxcivan | Naxcivan |
Saki | Saki | Saki |
Sirvan | Sirvan | Sirvan |
Sumqayit | Sumqayit | Sumqayit |
Xankandi | Xankandi | Xankandi |
Yevlax | Yevlax | Yevlax |
Alabama | Alabama | Alabama |
Alaska | Alaska | Alaska |
Arizona | Arizona | Arizona |
Arkansas | Arkansas | Arkansas |
California | California | California |
Colorado | Colorado | Colorado |
Connecticut | Connecticut | Connecticut |
Delaware | Delaware | Delaware |
Florida | Florida | Florida |
Georgia | Georgia | Georgia |
Hawaii | Hawaii | Hawaii |
Idaho | Idaho | Idaho |
Illinois | Illinois | Illinois |
Indiana | Indiana | Indiana |
Iowa | Iowa | Iowa |
Kansas | Kansas | Kansas |
Kentucky | Kentucky | Kentucky |
Louisiana | Louisiana | Louisiana |
Maine | Maine | Maine |
Maryland | Maryland | Maryland |
Massachusetts | Massachusetts | Massachusetts |
Michigan | Michigan | Michigan |
Minnesota | Minnesota | Minnesota |
Mississippi | Mississippi | Mississippi |
Missouri | Missouri | Missouri |
Montana | Montana | Montana |
Nebraska | Nebraska | Nebraska |
Nevada | Nevada | Nevada |
New Hampshire | New Hampshire | New Hampshire |
New Jersey | New Jersey | New Jersey |
New Mexico | New Mexico | New Mexico |
New York | New York | New York |
North Carolina | North Carolina | North Carolina |
North Dakota | North Dakota | North Dakota |
Ohio Oklahoma | Ohio Oklahoma | Ohio Oklahoma |
Oregon | Oregon | Oregon |
Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
Rhode Island | Rhode Island | Rhode Island |
South Carolina | South Carolina | South Carolina |
South Dakota | South Dakota | South Dakota |
Tennessee | Tennessee | Tennessee |
Texas | Texas | Texas |
Utah | Utah | Utah |
Vermont | Vermont | Vermont |
Virginia | Virginia | Virginia |
Washington | Washington | Washington |
District of Columbia | District of Columbia | District of Columbia |
West Virginia | West Virginia | West Virginia |
Wisconsin | Wisconsin | Wisconsin |
Wyoming | Wyoming | Wyoming |
American Samoa | American Samoa | American Samoa |
Guam | Guam | Guam |
Northern Mariana Islands | Northern Mariana Islands | Northern Mariana Islands |
Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico |
U.S. Virgin Islands | U.S. Virgin Islands | U.S. Virgin Islands |
Code | Display | Definition |
male | Male | Male |
female | Female | Female |
unknown | Unknown | Unknown |
Code | Display | Definition |
pleurisy | Exudative pleurisy | Exudative pleurisy |
cardiopulmonaryInsufficiency | Cardiopulmonary insufficiency | Cardiopulmonary insufficiency |
pneumothorax | Pneumothorax | Pneumothorax |
bloodSpitting | Blood spitting | Blood spitting |
lulmonaryHemorrhage | Pulmonary hemorrhage | Pulmonary hemorrhage |
amyloidosis | Amyloidosis | Amyloidosis |
other | Other | Other |
noComplications | No complications | No complications |
Code | Display | Definition |
H | Isoniazid | Isoniazid (H, INH) |
R | Rifampicin | Rifampicin (R, RIF) |
S | Streptomycin | Streptomycin (S) |
E | Ethambutol | Ethambutol (E, EMB) |
Ofx | Ofloxacin | Ofloxacin (Ofx) |
Cm | Capreomycin | Capreomycin (Cm) |
Am | Amikacin | Amikacin (Am) |
Km | Kanamycin | Kanamycin (Km) |
Z | Pyrazinamide | Pyrazinamide (Z, PZA) |
Lfx | Levofloxacin | Levofloxacin (Lfx) |
Mfx | Moxifloxacin | Moxifloxacin (Mfx) |
Pas | p-aminosalicylic acid | p-aminosalicylic acid (Pas, PAS) |
Cs | Cycloserine | Cycloserine (Cs) |
Eto | Ethionamide | Ethionamide (Eto) |
Dld | Delamanid | Delamanid (Dlm) |
Bdq | Bedaquiline | Bedaquiline (Bdq) |
Lzd | Linezolid | Linezolid (Lzd) |
Cfz | Clofazimine | Clofazimine (Cfz) |
Ft | Fluoroquinolones | Fluoroquinolones (Ofx, Lfx or Mfx ) |
AG/CP | Aminoglycosides - injectible agents | Aminoglycosides - injectible agents (Cm, Km, Am) |
CPFX | Ciprofloxacin | Ciprofloxacin (CPFX). A broad spectrum fluoroquinolone antibiotic |
Code | Display | Definition |
1 | 1 cavity | One lung cavity |
2 | 2 cavities | Two lung cavities |
more3 | More than 2 cavities | More than two cavities |
no | No cavities | No cavities |
Code | Display | Definition |
ended | Treatment ended | Treatment ended (for current treatment regimen) |
adverse | Adverse event | Adverse event documented (treatment stopped for current treatment regimen) |
resistance | Treatment ineffective due to additional resistance | Additional resistance discovered, treatment regimen is not effctive (treatment stopped for current treatment regimen) |
continuation | Continuation of treatment | Continuation of treatment (for current treatment regimen) |
newDrugAvailable | New drugs available | New drugs available (for current treatment regimen) |
patientStoppedTreatment | Patient stopped treatment | Patient stopped treatment (for current treatment regimen) |
terminated | Terminated from study | Terminated from study (for current treatment regimen) |
notAvailable | Drug(s) no longer available | Drug(s) no longer available (for current treatment regimen) |
Field Name | Description |
Age of Onset | Age of onset of tuberculosis (e.g. 40) |
Height | Length of body in centimeters |
Weight | Relative mass of body in kilograms |
Body Mass Index (BMI) | A person's weight in kilograms divided by the square height in meters |
Field Name | Description |
Culture | Test to determine presence of bacteria that cause tuberculosis and other infections caused by similar bacteria |
Date: Culture | Date of culture first growth |
Field Name | Description |
Genome | Set of genes used for DNA sequencing |
Lineage | Classification determined by spoligotype using the lorikeet spoligotype analysis software (e.g. Beijing) |
NCBI BioProject | Record identifier assigned by NCBI for entry in the BioProject database (e.g. PRJNA229571) |
NCBI BioSample | Record identifier assigned by NCBI for entry in the BioSample database (e.g. SAMN02419534) |
NCBI Source Organism | Record identifier for Mycobacterium tuberculosis organism sample in the NCBI SRA database (e.g. 22083) |
NCBI SRA | Record identifier assigned by NCBI for entry in the SRA database (e.g. SRR1159723) |
Octal spoligotype | Octal spoligotype determined by the lorikeet spoligotype analysis software (e.g. 000000000003731) |
Field Name | Description |
Affect Pleura | Changes in the pleura |
Anomaly of lung develop | Anomaly of lung develop detected (yes or no) |
Anomaly Of Mediastinum Vessels Develop | Anomaly Of Mediastinum Vessels Develop detected (yes or no) |
Dissemination | Diffuse pulmonary nodules detected (yes or no) |
Field Name | Description |
Organization | The study site where patient case is managed |
Patient Local Identifier | Private identifier used by data entry specialists to map patient information to a patient case |
Field Name | Description |
Number of Children | Number of Children (e.g. 2) |
Number of Daily Contacts | Total number of close contacts, defined as people living in the same household as the index patient, or spending many hours a day together with the patient in the same indoor space (e.g. 2) |
Field Name | Description |
Date: Bone Marrow Collection | Date of bone marrow collection |
Date: Mesenchymal Stromal/Stem Cells Re-Infusion | Date of mesenchymal stromal/stem cells re-infusion |
Cell Dose | Cell dose |
Field Name | Description |
Transcriptomics | Study data of transcriptomes and their functions |
Field Name | Description |
Biochemistry | Measure of amount or activity of a particular enzymne or protein in a blood or urine sampe |
Date: Biochemistry | Date biochemsitry test results are ready |
Field Name | Description |
Drug Susceptibility Testing | Test to determine a patients sensitivity to tuberculosis drugs |
Date: DST | Date drug suspectablity test result is ready |
SNP | Single nucleotide polymorphism as provided in reference sequence annotation (e.g. gyrA-D94G-HighConfidence) |
SNP Mutations | Single Nucleotide Polymorphism detected at one nucleotide due to mutation at that precise nucleotide |
Wild type probes | Gene that prevails in a natural population of organisms or strain of organisms in contrast to natural or labortory mutant forms |
Mutation probes | Mutation probes found in LPA |
Field Name | Description |
Imaging: Study Date | Date image was taken |
Field Name | Description |
Microscopy | Microscopic invesitgation of specimen sample |
Date: Microscopy | Date Microscopy result is ready for review |
Field Name | Description |
Regimen | A prescribed course of medical treatment for the promotion or restoration of health |
Field Name | Description |
Specimen | Sample of material used for medical testing |
Specimen Local Identifier | Private identifer assigned to specimen designated by user |
Public Identifier: Specimen | Public identifer automatically assigned to specimen |
Date Collected: Specimen | Date specimen sample collection was performed |
Field Name | Description |
TB Profiler | This data is for research purposes only. Please visit to access the TB Profiler. The "READ ME" can be found by visiting |
main_lineage | Categorization of the TB bacteria into one of the seven well-defined and widely recognized groups of TB bacteria |
sub_lineage | A subcategorization of the TB bacteria nested within the main lineage |
main_lineage and sub_lineage | Determined by a well-defined set of genomic SNPs |
Num. Drug Resistant Variants | The total number of drug resistant variants predicted by TB Profiler |
TB Profiler Resistance Prediction | The predicted TB resistance profile based on the TB Profiler tool |
Field Name | Description |
Treatment | The management and care of a patient to combat disease |
Date: Treatment Start | Date treatment began |
Date: Treatment End | Date treatment ended |
Outcome | Change in the health of an individual, group of people, or population that is attributable to an intervention or series of interventions |
Rosenthal, Alex, et al. "The TB portals: an open-access, web-based platform for global drug-resistant-tuberculosis data sharing and analysis." Journal of clinical microbiology 55.11 (2017): 3267-3282.